"How can you repair what has never existed? What cell number do you dial when there is nowhere to call? When there is no address to find, where do you look?" What door do you unlock if there is no key?
The potential for a father child relationship was aborted at conception by children playing adult games, one-night stands, or secret affairs. The end results of these actions are children with an extremely high risk of rejection, ridicule, resentment and a destiny plagued with confusion. Our streets are filled with young men with constant pain wondering, where is dad? Some will eventually learn the hardcore facts and wished they hadn't asked any questions at all. For us to really understand the rage, anger, and resentment these boys and young men foster, we have to come to terms with the unmentionable memories that are locked away in their minds.
What memories? I'm glad you asked. Memories of abuse, memories of being beaten, and memories of being battered. Some of these young men have been brutally raped and molested. These are areas that are taboo for us to mention, let alone discuss but occur more times than we want to admit. Think about it, what youngster is going to stand up before family and his peers and openly confess that he has been molested! Better yet, if he does confess the act, how long will it take for the adults around him to believe him and investigate his claims. By the end of this scene, the damage has been inflicted and the memories deeply etched in his mine. Now can you understand how dysfunctional manhood evolves from memories within the little boys.
How can a mere boy defend himself against his father who has repeatedly slapped his mother over and over again? Can you imagine the rage and the anger in these boys? How can they vent? Where do they go and to whom do, they confide in? This anger and rage builds day in and day out. They become introverted and suppress their feeling and their secrets. These memories haunt thousands of young men until one day it all surfaces and the unveiling leave a trail of blood in the streets, in schools, in malls, and unfortunately the list goes on and on. Somewhere deeply hidden within the tormented man there is a tormented child who feels doomed to torment others.
"Rage has consumed our manhood like a contagious disease." It has robbed us of our normal development because many men were never allowed to enjoy the innocence of childhood first. Who mentored them in this uncontrollable anger? Who activated such raw anger and rage and taught them to act out?
"Look, I know you want answers, but answers vary from house to house and man to man." One thing is constant, behind every dysfunction you will find dishonor, disloyalty, and disorder. "Remember tragedy occurs when the one you admire does something you hate."
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