Young adults whose understanding is still childish, tend to make some foolish and immature decisions. Childish decisions are most destructive in the minds of emotionally injured adults.
There are a lot of boys who have grown up in broken homes and decided at some point in their lives that it is their fault that their parents are divorced. Many will carry the blame and responsibility for their broken upbringing and end up damaged because of their childish decisions and understandings. "We invite disaster when we carry childish thoughts, understandings and actions into adult relationships."
Twisted childish decisions often yield distorted thoughts of deficiency. This mindset and decisions produce a lifetime of self-doubt. As I stated in a previous blog, if the truth were told, as fathers some of us still carry some deep wounds that were caused by the damaging remarks of other children who never realized that words of scorn were deadly.
Uncontrolled behavior occurs when we build shielded or protective layers of denials, lies, and illusions around our hidden pains until something forces the issue. One day when it's least expected, circumstances will cause an eruption which will expose all the secrets for everyone to see. Whether we admit it or not, most men still deal with little boy issues that existed in their childhood and now have entered into their adult situations. These unvented thoughts are evolving in an unsupervised mental playground and has the potential of lashing out with devastating consequences. "What is normal for a little boy, can be dangerous for a man who still possesses a childlike understanding. As a man, he is bigger. As a man he is much stronger. His anger is much greater! He is no longer a baby, now he's fathering babies. In spite of his size or his age, his childish understanding is retarding his life and he are angry!" His twisted thoughts are now fueled by alcohol or drugs, and give him a numbing sense of reality. Now, he's invincible. He's indestructible with no moral boundaries in place to control his rage! He has no regards for loss of life...his nor yours. He has nowhere and no one to turn to. The voices and memories in his head are now in total control of his outward actions. In this moment, our sons are accidents looking for some place to happen. This is that broad path that leads to destruction.
Would you agree with me that children today have seen too much, we've given them too much, we've entrusted responsibility in them too soon. They have heard too much. We have pushed the envelope of adult issues on immature minds and challenged them up! They have unlimited access to the world-wide web which gives them vivid illustrations and leaves nothing to the imagination. Finally, there's our impotent foresight, our own broken childhoods that have turned our sons lives into something that mimics a tragic scene from a Michael Meyer horror movie. Can you ever remember a time that we have been so afraid of our own boys? Our young men have become so angry that elder men are intimidated by them. These young boys and men are destroying and self-destructing as society stands idly by in a sedated state of disbelief and watches. Daily these young men are dying in jails, in prisons, killing each other in the streets and alleys of our cities.
Dads listen... all that our sons express, speak, and understand is related to their childhood and the lessons we did or didn't teach him. We will never be able to understand the man on the outside, if you are unable to connect with the child on the inside. It is here at that precipice when the question, "what...are you thinking" can truly be answered.
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